Describe Different Types Of Accidents And Sudden Illness That May Occur In Own Work Setting

Life is uncertain; you never know what might happen the next moment. These uncertainties when result in something unfortunate are given the name of accidents. Similarly; you might experience sudden unexpected illness in any place. In such situations; the sufferer ain’t able to do much but the people surrounding him can play their part. This post explains procedures to follow in the event of accidents and how you should react to them, especially in your workplace.

Describe Different Types of Sudden Illness That May Occur in Own Work Setting:

In order to deal with sudden illnesses that may occur in your work setting, you must be able to identify them. Some of the most common sudden illness examples are

Heart Attack:

A heart attack is a sudden disruption of the blood supply to the heart that causes;

  • Chest discomfort.
  • Breathlessness.
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Occasionally loss of consciousness.


This condition develops when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted or diminished. It is characterized by;

  • Sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body.
  • Speaking difficulties.
  • Excruciating headaches.
  • Lack of coordination.


These are brought on by abnormal electrical activities in the brain and show the symptoms of:

  • Convulsions.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Bewilderment.
  • Repetitive movements.
  • Spells of staring.


A brief loss of consciousness brought on by a lack of oxygen to the brain is known as fainting (Syncope). Numerous things can cause it, including;

  • Low blood sugar.
  • Dehydration.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Abrupt changes in position.

Asthma Attack:

Besides; the above-mentioned 4 examples of sudden illness, asthma is also a common problem seen in closed workplaces. People who have asthma may suddenly and severely struggle to breathe due to the narrowing of their airways, which causes;

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Tightness in their chest.

Allergic Reactions:

Some people may experience life-threatening allergic reactions to substances they come into contact with at work, such as specific foods, chemicals, or bug stings. Symptoms can widely range, including;

  • Minor swelling and itching.
  • Fatal anaphylaxis, which causes breathing difficulties.
  • Facial and throat edema.
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure.

Diabetic Emergencies:

People who have diabetes may suddenly develop complications including;

  • Low bp.
  • High bp.
  • Confusion.
  • Trembling.
  • Weakness.
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Loss of consciousness.

Describe Different Types of Accidents That May Occur in Work Settings:

Similarly; there are accidents that often happen in workplaces. When you identify accidents and sudden illness that may occur in a learning environment, you would observe that there are not many differences between the two places. Some of the common accident occurrences are:

Slips, trips, and falls:

These are frequent workplace accidents that can be brought on by slippery or uneven floors, cluttered hallways, poor illumination, or improper usage of stairs.

Accidents involving machinery:

If sufficient safety measures are not taken, workers could be hurt by machinery. This might involve becoming entangled with moving parts, becoming caught in tight spaces, or being hit by objects that are falling.

Struck by Objects:

When tools or construction materials fall from a height and strike a worker, it can result in catastrophic injuries. Construction sites, warehouses, and other settings where items are stored at heights may experience this.

Electrical hazards:

Electric shocks or electrocution can result from electrical risks such as exposed wires, malfunctioning equipment, or dangerous electrical practices.

Explosions and Fires:

Various factors, such as electrical problems, chemical spills, or inappropriate storage of flammable goods, can result in workplace fires. Explosions can occur in places like chemical plants or oil refineries where there are volatile compounds present.

Workplace Violence:

Some workplaces may experience violent incidents, such as physical assault, threats, or harassment. This could occur between coworkers, clients, or other outside parties and could endanger the safety of the employees.

Outline the Procedures to be Followed if an Accident or Sudden Illness Should Occur:

After you were able to identify who might deal with accidents and sudden illness in the work setting, it is important to know how and what procedures need to be followed to cope with the situation appropriately.

Assess the situation:

If there was an accident or sudden illness in the workplace what would you do? Well! The first thing that you need to do is to assess the situation.

  • Remain composed and evaluate the gravity of the situation right away.
  • Ensure your own security and, if possible, get rid of any immediate threats.
  • If several persons are involved, give priority to those who need help right away based on how bad their situation is.

Call for help:

Call for assistance by;

  • Dialing the local emergency number or emergency services.
  • Giving them all the information they require, such as the location, the nature of the incident, and the number of individuals impacted.
  • If someone is around, ask them to make the call so you can tend to the injured or ill person.

Provide first aid:

  • Depending on the circumstance, start helping if you have the necessary training in first aid. The person's condition may need to be stabilized, CPR administered, or bleeding under control.
  • The emergency dispatcher can give you instructions over the phone until medical assistance arrives if you have questions about how to administer first aid.

Protect the person's privacy:

If at all possible, move the injured or ill person to a more private space to ensure that their privacy is respected. Cover the person properly while maintaining their dignity.

Comfort the afflicted person:

  • To help reduce worry and anxiety, provide the injured or ill individual with comfort and assurance.
  • If you can, stay with them until trained medical help arrives to offer emotional support and keep an eye on their condition.

Cooperate with medical experts:

Give a detailed report of the situation and any pertinent information you have obtained to the medical staff when they arrive.

Final Statement:

This post was a general review of the kinds of accidents and illnesses that can suddenly take place in work settings and how you can cope with them, but if you want to get proper assignments written help on the related topic then you can take the assistance of our professional writers with your academic projects.
