Describe The Factors To Consider When Promoting Effective Communication

The two words information and communication are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through. Sydney J. Harris

Communication is the art of getting through which is why it is extremely important in anything and everything you do.  Similarly; the importance of communication in healthcare also cannot be ignored as this is one such sector where miss-interruptions, misunderstandings, and misconceptions cannot be accepted.

What is communication in health and social care?

Information interchange between medical staff, patients, and other system stakeholders is referred to as communication in health and social care . It is essential for delivering efficient and safe care as well as building trusting bonds between patients and healthcare professionals.

While defining effective communication, it is essential to understand that it includes verbal, as well as, non-verbal methods of communication. Verbal messages become more impactful when they are combined with matching non-verbal communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication includes:

  • Chat.
  • Informal and formal communication in health and social care.
  • Eye contact.
  • Touch.
  • Space.
  • Facial expression.
  • Gestures, etc.

Importance of effective communication in healthcare setting:

In order to promote communication in care settings, it is essential to comprehend the importance of effective communication in health and social care.  The following points will highlight the importance of effective communication in healthcare settings:

  • Patient-centered care: Effective communication techniques in health and social care guarantee that patients receive the best possible treatment that is catered to their particular needs. Patients feel understood, supported, and actively involved in their own treatment when healthcare providers communicate with them in a clear and sympathetic manner.
  • Accurate Diagnosis and Assessment: Effective patient communication enables medical personnel to obtain complete and accurate information from patients regarding their symptoms, medical background, and concerns. In addition to that, communicating in health and social care also proves impactful for assessment purposes.
  • Treatment planning and decision making: when healthcare professionals, patients, and their families are able to communicate effectively with one another then collaborative decisions are taken. this health and social care communication helps in;
    • Better exchange of information.
    • Option discussion.
    • Consideration of patient’s preferences.
    • Development of individualized treatment plan for the patient.
  • Continuity of care: When effective communication health and social care takes place between the healthcare team then the transitions and related operations are smoothly carried out hence, preventing errors and omissions.

Factors to consider when promoting effective communication

Every healthcare team member must focus on promoting effective communication in health and social care among their team, some of the important factors that they must consider for this purpose are:

Environmental factor

Environment plays an integral role in being able to promote effective communication in health and social care level 3 workers, as well as, with the patients. Analyse features of the environment that impact on communication, which mainly are:

  • Lightening.
  • Noise.
  • Seating.
  • Temperature, etc.

Basic requirements

Another important factor that affects communication is whether or not the basic needs of the team or patient are being met. These basic needs can be:

  • Hunger.
  • Tiredness.
  • Thirsty, etc.

Role of language

Language is one of the most effective forms of health care communication as it is verbal communication so there are lesser chances of miscommunication through this form. Such language must be used among the team workers that could be easily understood. There are times when a patient or his attendants do not speak your language; in such cases, the interpreter must be called upon.

A factor of attitude

Attitude is yet another vital factor that makes any communication effective or ineffective. If the individual gets repulsive vibes from you or could not relate to your aura then he won’t step forward to ask his queries and would prefer to go with his intuition which can obviously result in disaster. So; it is very important to use the following communication skills in health and social care;

  • Empathy.
  • Compassion.
  • Non-judgmental attitude, etc.

Active listening

Active listening is yet another factor that promotes effective communication in healthcare settings. Active listening includes making eye contact with the speaker, listening carefully to what he is speaking, repeating what he said, and then answering the question accordingly.

There are times when even after communicating with the listener, the speaker misinterprets the message because of poor listening or because the speaker was not clear with his message, in such cases; active listening proves to be really impactful.

Barriers to communication in health and social care

While such factors have been identified that can promote effective communication, the challenges must also be pointed out that result in the most confusion or misconceptions. It is because being familiar with the don’ts is also essential to cope with the challenges in communication.

Language and cultural differences

Language and cultural barriers might make it difficult to communicate effectively. It is difficult to understand and communicate with a patient or client if a healthcare practitioner does not speak their language. Similarly; using jargon can promote effective communication only if used among professional members.

Limited health literacy

The term "limited health literacy" refers to a person's inability to comprehend and apply information about their health.

Physical barriers

Physical obstacles can prevent effective communication, such as noisy surroundings, bad acoustics, or a lack of privacy.

Emotional obstacles

Obstacles to effective communication can include worry, fear, or tension.

Time constraint

Time restrictions are frequently present in healthcare settings, leaving healthcare personnel with little time to devote to each patient. This could result in hurried communication.

Technical barriers

Communication difficulties may be brought on by the growing use of technology in healthcare, such as electronic health records or telemedicine. Effective communication between healthcare professionals and patients might be hampered by technical issues.

Final statement

Effective communication is an integral component to carry out the functioning of any system smoothly; be it for academic purposes or healthcare settings. Our team of writers is there to help the students with their academic projects after effectively communicating with them to meet their project requirements just according to the given guidelines.
